Breakfast at Janie's


Today we were invited to my sister's place for breakfast this morning. We were supposed to come with our bed hair and pj's on. My eldest didn't want to go "out" with her jammies on, then my youngest followed suit. I didn't want to be the only one with my pj's on, so I we all got dressed. I did wear my slippers and not a stitch of make-up.

We had a good time preparing, cooking and eating breakfast together.  It was lovely to all be together for the morning, talking shite, playing guitar and violin and drinking lots of tea.

My Boerewors and my nephew, Ryan play chess

Claire Jane and Kaylin read books

Pretty CJ

Wee Claire Jane

CJ plays pool

A Daft Scots Lass washes the dishes

The Techno Boffs:  my nephew, Dylan and Megan

the eating

Mick drinks his coffee

Kaylin plays pool

Janie prepares breakfast

Bare-faced sisters enjoy their cuppa tea 

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