Its the Blogger Tattoo Challenge.
Most of you know I love tats. There is nothing sexier than a well designed, well placed ink on yer body. I have five tats now and love all of them. They all mean something special to me.
So do Bloggers get ink'd? Show me yours!
Its a challenge, email me your rockin' tattoos and a wee bit about why you got it and where it is (because some pictures are a little vague)
I'll then compile a post presenting of all of my Bloggy friends' ink on my blog. Just know, there will be voting involved and a PRIZE. Oh I know, you Fuckers love prizes.
You can remain anonnomous if you wish, I know some of you have some really "intimate" places that are ink'd.
Go for it!!!
Email me
and the winner is
black ink tattoo
Butterfly Tattoo
chinese symbol tattoo
got ink'd
Do Bloggers Get Ink'd?